Copyright Information


If you would like to use my images on a non-commercial website, for personal use, school class, or any non-profit organization, you may do so. However, as a courtesy, I would appreciate it if you would credit my website from which you retrieved the image.

When you do use any of my images, please give credit to me as the photographer or content creator. One other requirement I have is that you keep the images on your own server/PC and don't link directly to the image on my website. Sometimes I move content around, delete it, or re-name it, which will break your image link

Commercial Use:

If you would like to use any of my images or photographs in publications that are sold, used in advertising, or on a commercial website, then you need to get a hold of me using the email link at the bottom of the page. A copyright agreement will be required, along with a small fee and possibly a higher quality image.

Thanks, Dennis Howe